Rent office in Kyiv. Buying commercial real estate in Ukraine
Rent office in Kyiv. Buying a commercial space for an office in the Business Center in Ukraine. Kyiv is not only the capital of Ukraine, but also the most developed city in the whole country. That is why the whole
Rent office in Odessa. Find an office space in a business center in Ukraine
Rent of office in Odessa. Find office space in a business center. Odessa, as the largest port city in Ukraine, is also a very important business center. That is why there are a large number of office and business buildings
Rent office in Lviv in a business center. Commercial real estate in Ukraine
Rent office in Lviv in a business center. Commercial real estate in Ukraine. Despite the fact that Lviv is called the cultural capital of Ukraine, it also has a place for many business centers, as well as offices where entrepreneurs
Rent of office in Zaporizhzhia. Commercial real estate in Ukraine
Rent office in Zaporizhzhia - Business Centers. Profitable investment in the purchase of commercial premises in Ukraine. Zaporozhye, as an industrial city, has a large number of different real estate, including premises that can be rented, for example, for offices
Offices for Rent in Dnipro, Ukraine. Business Centers. Commercial real estate
Offices for Rent in Dnipro, Ukraine - The best business centers. Dnipro is one of the largest and most industrially developed cities in Ukraine. It is in this city that a lot of business, various types of real estate and
UTG – commercial real estate consulting & Brokerage in Ukraine
UTG is a company that helps developers in the construction of commercial real estate. Accompanies them during the full cycle of work, from the stage of creating a project to its introduction into a full-fledged activity. Consulting support is carried
Commercial real estate management company in UKRAINE – Rustler
Rustler Property Services is a property management company that is a subsidiary of the Austrian firm Rustler Group. It has been in the European property management market for over 80 years. History of the company in the Ukrainian market In the field
Commercial real estate broker in Ukraine – Colliers
Commercial real estate broker Colliers is one of the largest and fastest growing companies not only in Ukraine, but also in the world. In the field of commercial real estate, it is practically unmatched in terms of the number of
Multi Corporation – commercial real estate management company
Multi Corporation is a leading pan-European integrated services platform for retail real estate assets, managing about 80 retail assets across Europe. The company offers a full range of services, including asset management, shopping centers, renovation and renovation, rental, marketing, legal
Commercial Real Estate Broker Сushman & Wakefield in Ukraine
Сushman & Wakefield continues to develop its brand with confidence. Entering a new market is often accompanied by the involvement of real estate brokers. Ukraine continues to increase its investment attractiveness. Therefore, more and more companies are interested in investing